Yearly Archives: 2018

Team of go-getters

Skin Care and Treatments at Every Age

Our skin experiences many structural and biochemical changes over the years.  For example, epidermal cells don’t turn over and exfoliate as easily, the production of collagen and elastic tissue proteins slows, and these proteins also weaken becoming less supportive. At our Washington, D.C., dermatology practice, we recommend skin care treatments tailored to the age of …Read More

MI Skin Dermatology Center: Melda Isaac, MD

CoolSculpting® Noninvasive Fat Reduction

You can only achieve so much with diet and exercise to obtain your desired body shape as we can’t control our genetics! Thank goodness for CoolSculpting noninvasive body contouring treatments. What is CoolSculpting? CoolSculpting at our Washington, D.C. practice works by effectively and painlessly freezing unwanted fat cells, a process called cryolipolysis.  The cold temperature kills …Read More
