Author Archives: Dr. Melda Isaac

Woman with clear and beautiful skin (model) touches her face while looking at the camera.

Your Guide to the Best Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments (INFOGRAPHIC)

Are you tired of battling chronic skin conditions or feeling self-conscious about skin imperfections? If you've tried topical remedies with little success, it's time to discover the cutting-edge world of laser skin rejuvenation. MI Skin Dermatology & Laser Center's board-certified dermatologists are at the forefront of innovative laser, ultrasound, and radiofrequency skin treatments. Their expertise …Read More

Woman (model) with an athletic build wearing workout clothes in a bedroom.

Shed Fat, Build Muscle, and Tighten Loose Skin: Nonsurgical Body Contouring Explained

It’s a discouraging fact: No matter how dedicated you are to a healthy lifestyle, diet and exercise alone aren’t always enough to achieve the lean and sculpted body you desire. Fat deposits can cling stubbornly to specific areas despite your best efforts. But nonsurgical body contouring—treatments that require no downtime—can help you finally achieve your …Read More
