Author Archives: Dr. Melda Isaac

Dermatology FAQ Washington DC

Say Goodbye to Microbeads

In recent months, if you are interested in beauty and the environment, you’ve heard all about microbeads and how they are dangerous to the environment. Microbeads are tiny plastic spheres that are not biodegradable and that are too small to be caught be filtration systems, so they often end up in the rivers and oceans, …Read More

Washington DC thirties skincare

Stop Excessive Sweating with Botox

Everyone knows that Botox can be used effectively to treat wrinkles, but not as many know about another FDA approved use: to stop excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis! Hyperhidrosis is a condition that affects a good number of men and women in America, causing sweat even in situations where normally people wouldn’t sweat. Hyperhidrosis …Read More

MI Skin Dermatology Center: Melda Isaac, MD

Get Red Carpet Ready with DermaSweep

It’s gala season here in Washington, DC, and naturally people want to look their best. Dr. Isaac and her team at MI Skin Dermatology have the perfect solution for instant beautiful skin: DermaSweep “Red Carpet Ready” PremiumFusion! This treatment is a quick, gentle, and effective way to tighten, plump, and hydrate dull or tired skin. The best …Read More

DC Sun Damage Defense

The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen

It’s almost summer and that means that people are thinking about the outdoors - beach vacations, pool parties, hiking, barbeques, and more. It’s great to be able to get outside in the sunshine, but make sure to remember your sunscreen! Sunscreen should be worn year-round to protect against UV rays, which can even penetrate cloud …Read More

Washington DC Exilis

The Benefits of a Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are an extremely popular means of deep exfoliation that can significantly rejuvenate and brighten the complexion. “Chemical peel” is a blanket term that covers all types of exfoliation that uses chemicals in place of physical scrubs, such as sugar or salt. Chemical peels are customized for the individual, and range in strength from …Read More

Washington DC Skin Cancer

Stay Safe in the Sun

July is National UV Awareness Month, and we at MI Skin Dermatology would like to talk about protecting your skin from the sun, as well as how to treat already sun damaged skin. Sun exposure is one of the main causes of damage to the face, including premature wrinkles, sun spots, and unevenly textured skin. …Read More
